Head of Growth & Digital|Coffee Addict|Random Inbox Pest|Below Average Runner

Rob Whaley

"I help businesses solve their number one problem of how to get more paying customers..."

If you want to hide a dead body...page 2 of google is the perfect place...

Get Your website ranked

let's face it...If you are not on page 1 of Google you may as well not exist. Thousands of searches are happening on Google everyday for exactly what it is that your business offers. The problem... You are no where to be found. I can help you fix that. Experience the 'bliss' of free organic traffic. Say goodbye to expensive ads...Get in touch with me for a free SEO audit now.

run high converting ppc ads with a low cpc and high ROAS...

pay per click ads

if you don't have any organic listings then it makes sense to invest your marketing budget into pay per click campaigns such as Google Ads, Facebook (Meta) Ads, The Google Shopping Network, Youtube, Tik Tok and Linkedin. I can help you create high performing ad creatives and campaigns that make people want to say "shut up and take my money."

Quote of the month

"People don't buy what you do they buy why you do it"

- Simon Sinek

I design...

Websites that will blow your mind!

humans by nature are attracted to beautiful things. Your website is no different. If your website is "ugly" or "unattractive" and makes people want to click back to the search results you will have a hard time selling anything. A website must be pleasing to the eye and have it's conversion strategy on point.

I write...

words & copy that make people want to buy stuff

The job of a good headline backed with a good image creative is to force people to stop scrolling and literally steal their attention. In today's online world you are competing for attention against dogs wearing small Nike tennis shoes, Ferrets dressed up in rabbit ears or the latest Alex Hormozi video. Hopefully your headline is good enough to entice the reader to want to keep reading and find out more. The role of the next line of text is to convince the reader that they should read the next line of text. If you've done your job right, hopefully you are able to coerce someone to take the desired action, such as filling out a lead form or making a purchase.

Quote of the month

"make offers so good people feel stupied saying no"

- Alex Hormozi

I craft...

Effective cold email campaigns

Cold email campaigns have one of the best ROI's on the planet. With my proven techniques you will be sure that your message is reaching your ideal customers inbox and not going to spam. I create campaigns with high open rates, positive reply rates and actual booked meetings.

I am great at...

Conversion rate optimisation cro

I can help with implementing strategies to convert more website visitors into paying customers. Using the larger market formula, only 3% of the market are "ready to buy now" 17% of the market are in information gathering mode, 20% of people are problem aware and know that they need a solution to their problems and 60% of the market are not problem aware. Your marketing needs to cater to all four market segments and implement strategies to move people down the sales funnel.

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Schedule a time with me to have a look at your project and see if I can help.